Red Flowers for your Gardens

Red flowers add a dramatic flare to any garden. This color is the boldest hue on the color wheel and will always be a centerpiece of any exterior or interior landscape. The red flowers for your gardens are a great way to attract pollinators, especially hummingbirds who have attuned sight to bright and bold colors. Red plants make for a great, eye-catching addition to flower gardens, hanging baskets, houseplants, containers as thrillers and spillers, or as ground covers like red creeping thyme.

Create your own garden orchard can be the perfect combination for this landscape project.

We have a wide variety of Palm Trees in Cape Coral and Florida Friendly Plants. Just browse our plant and palm tree selections at the bottom below. Or you are also free to call us with any questions you may have.

Hibiscus trees and shrubs

This is one of the most dramatic  and beautiful plants you can add to your garden. Their blooms come in many colors from yellow to maroon to pink and deep red. They thrive best in full sun and warm climates. 

Echinacea - coneflowers

Also commonly known as Coneflower and are fairly low-maintenance plants. Most folks are familiar with the purple coneflowers, but this popular perennials come in many striking colors, as well as a vibrant red-orange selection.

red flowers for your gardens coneflowers

Crape myrtle

This one makes wonderful additions to outdoor gardens and landscapes. They cover a variety of colors and foliage – from dark green and even to black foliage. They can come in bushy and dwarf varieties that make them great additions to tight spaces or hedges.

Dipladenia and Mandevilla

They are a close cousin of the Mandevilla vine. Dipladenia carry exotic trumpet-shade flowers that also come in dark red to red hot shades. Dipladenia make a great option for hanging baskets and containers. Mandevilla on the other hand, makes a great option to train up a trellis and fence. 

red flowers for your gardens mandevilla


Flowering plants like marigolds are a great option for gardens because they have insects and pest repelling properties. If you are growing tomatoes, Marigold make for great companion plants because they have pest repelling properties.  

Read this post if you want to learn more about the flowers that bloom in fall

We have a wide variety of Palm Trees in Cape Coral. You can browse our catalog and once you find Palm Trees for sale Cape Coral just give us a call. We offer the Same Day delivery. Or you are also free to call us with any questions you may have.