Bridal Bouquet Cape Coral

Bridal Bouquet Cape Coral

Explore about the Bridal Bouquet

The Bridal Bouquet Cape Coral, also called Plumerias, is a tropical, flowering tree. This type of plant is highly valuated because of their fragrant blossoms. The name comes from the use you can give to this plant: as a bridal bouquet or leis. When this plant grows in the wild, the trees can reach up to 30 feet tall.

These plants are beautiful, hardy that only require basic culture to grow them. So, it will perfect for you if you are a beginner in gardening.

Planting instructions:


It grows best in a well-drained, rich soil.


Regular watering is needed when dormant, and usually in winter.


Full sun or high works well. Shifting shade is the best for growth and flowering.


Do it every other week with a fertilizer high in phosphorus (10-20-30) during growing season (spring through summer). Remember to apply the fertilizer following the instructions on the label and according the size of your tree.

For Best Bridal Bouquet Plants in Cape Coral
Call us: 1-239-440-5373

The Bridal Bouquet Plant and Flower

Bridal Bouquet Cape Coral flower
Bridal Bouquet Cape Coral 2
Bridal Bouquet Cape Coral plant

Call us: 1-239-440-5373

How we take care of your trees

Tree Services Near Me


Trimming and pruning are essential to maintaining the health of your tree. It also helps stimulate growth and preserve its natural appearance. We have a deep understanding of how to recognize plant defects and eliminate them. Our team also remove dead wood properly. We enhance the beauty of your landscape.

Landscaping Cape Coral


Professional pruning of shrubs requires the skills of a certified arborist. It is necessary to accommodate the physiological needs of the plant with the desired aesthetic appearance. This way your shrub will look right and be healthy. We ensure the long-term growth and health of your shrubs.

Landscaping Cape Coral


Your trees need proper care and monitoring. This allows them to grow and be healthy. We have a personalized and comprehensive approach to the care of each of your plants.

Landscaping Cape Coral


Our trees are forced to compete with our lawns and other plants. That’s why they need the vitamins and nutrients they need to survive. We take care of the application of a slow release tree fertilizer. In this way we aim to replace or supplement the necessary nutrients throughout the year.

Landscaping Cape Coral


We approach lawn and landscape care holistically and with the same care and expertise you expect from all of our local professionals. We offer the best in comprehensive lawn care services. Our service includes: lawn fertilization, pest and disease management, lawn renovation and restoration, aeration and reseeding, and silt seeding.

Landscaping Cape Coral


Our certified arborists can work with you to remove your tree safely and efficiently. Many tree removals are complex so we do the job with the utmost care and responsibility.

The reasons our Tree Services Cape Coral
Great customer-client relationship

We make sure you receive an excellent treat from our professionals. Be sure that we will offer you the time needed to identify your trees’ condition and what needs to be done.

An affordable and fair pricing

We won’t exceed in our prices. Our customers will find that our prices go according to their budget. So, we are going to help you save money.

Professional Team and Supervisors

All of our workers love what they do. So, just trust in our company and its experienced team that will provide you nothing more than excellence.

Licensed and Insured Company

This is a key point for you to choose our Tree Services Cape Coral. We are fully insured in case of unexpected events and have licensed to work with in this field.

We are the best option to increase the value of your home
Call us: 1-239-440-5373